Integrated Chiropractic Care
Comprehensive whole body care that is so much more than spinal support
Our Approach
Graston® Soft Tissue Mobilization
Dr. Alexander is a certified Graston provider. This technique works with soft tissues, employing hand-held stainless steel instruments to break up fibrous muscle and scar tissue. As adhesions dissolve and the body reabsorbs them, pain decreases and function and mobility improve. Explore more at www.grastontechnique.com.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a state of the art soft tissue technique which treats painful conditions with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. This gentle massage technique can help quickly resolve headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, and tennis elbow.
We build in physiotherapy – patient education for stretching and strengthening techniques designed specifically for their individual needs – to help rehabilitate and strengthen muscle groups related to their condition. Implementing corrective exercises go hand in hand with chiropractic work, as they drastically improve recovery time and help to prevent further injury.

Carol H.
What Conditions Do You Treat?
People often think chiropractors only treat back pain and headaches, but chiropractic education consists of advanced differential diagnosis covering the entire body. We believe in multidisciplinary care, and if we cannot provide the best care for your condition, we’ll refer you to a doctor who can.
Examples of conditions we treat:
- Ankle Sprains
- Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain
- Brucitis
- Carpal Tunnel
- Cervicogenic and Tension Headaches
- Migraines and Headaches
- Disc Problems
- Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow
- Sciatica
- Shin Splints
- Osteoarthritis
- Sports Injuries
- TMJ Pain... and so much more
Is Chiropractic Treatment Safe?
Yes! Chiropractic care is safe for infants, children, pregnant females and adults. Dr. Alexander is trained in many techniques including Diversified, Flexion/Distraction, Thompson Drop, Activator, Grayston Technique, and Extremity adjustments which he tailors to the individual patient’s needs and body type to deliver the most effective treatment.

Medically integrated treatment
Our Special Focus Areas

Benefits of Integrated Chiropractic Care
- Increase Mobility
- Relieves Pain and Discomfort
- Relaxes Muscle Spasms
- Frees Up Scar Tissue
- Restores Proper Joint Function
- Improves Nervous System Function